Book publication: The Bodies We Are (Not) published by transcript

It is finally here: my first book “The Bodies We Are (Not)” – A choreographic research on practicing self-distancing” has just been published by transcript Verlag. The book is my artistic-scientific dissertation, which was written as part of the graduate program “Performing Citizenship”.
Based on the observation that the body is increasingly used as an “identity project” in Western neoliberal society with a focus on self-enhancement and self-optimization, my work examines how the choreographic field can be used as a grey area between theory and practice in order to imagine, propose and test an alternative approach to the body.
In “The Bodies We Are (Not)” I deal with the desire to play with one’s own body and self-image from a choreographic perspective. This involves both the potential of the body to become unfamiliar to itself and an examination of those physical aspects with which we cannot, do not want to or should not identify for social or personal reasons.
The book can be ordered directly from the publisher or in any bookshop.