Antje Velsinger & Team // Bodies of Capitalism: Acquired Taste

Video still from “Self-Storage” by Antje Velsinger & Team // Video: Ale Bachlechner

December 04, 2022 Antje Velsinger & team invite you to a menu with three courses in the greenhouse Hamburg. The menu includes artistic positions that deal with our spheres of action as bodies in capitalism and conceptual cuisine ranging from efficient to excessive. The audience is invited to digest the served topics together during table talks.


First course : efficient

Omega 3, complex carbohydrates and H2O

The video project “Feel What You’re Feeling” by Ale Bachlechner and the artist duo Artmann&Duvoisin explores ingrained capitalist beliefs and how to break away from them.

Second course – excessive

sweet. sour, umami

Curator Lucie Tuma reports on “Playbor,” the fusion of work and play, and everything that happens when you rest, laugh, love, and don’t work. Expertise on the subject comes straight from the lab: the Protozone 7 in the Shedhalle Zurich.

Third course – sustainable

High-quality protein

Antje Velsinger & Team assemble in their video and sound installation “Self-Storage” physical extremes between high performance and exhaustion, growth and retreat. In a labyrinth of hallways and warehouses, these bodies search for a place to stay. Have they been sorted out or are they finding refuge?

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Credits: Artistic direction/ Choreography: Antje Velsinger, Dramaturgy: Heike Bröckerhoff, Video: Ale Bachlechner, Sound: Julia Krause, Lighting: Dennis Nähr, Production Management: Christina Giessmann.

Supported by: Supported by Bureau RITTER / TANZPAKT RECONNECT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Support Program Dance.