Danja Burchard

Danja Burchard is an art worker dedicating their time to critical practice encompassing creative production, performance, curation, facilitating, and writing as well as questioning, listening, (un-) learning, and thinking. Interested in collective processes, radical pedagogies, dissident practices, and ecologies of care, they play with notions of the almost- or the slipperiness of figuring it out as a basis for speculative futures and social transformation. They are especially intrigued by process-based methods that reveal, abstract, and oppose capitalistic and patriarchal dynamics of power and representation. They are founding member of the project space NOGOODS; the research magazine bias (bodies in architecture and structures); i.c.a.p. a platform engaging with the discourse on intersectional and inclusive creative production methods, and the performance collective PORNOTOPIAcollectivo (Barcelona). They co-curated the process-based research project Dissident Publics: Future Artefacts of Queer Methodologies at ROM for kunst og arkitektur and the interdisciplinary programs on Empathy and Pleasure at NOGOODS and are currently curating the seminar series Going Sideways – Cultural Production within fractured Systems for the Oktoberdanse Festival 2024 together with Epona Hamdan. In the field of creative production, they worked for artists and institutions including Studio Tomás Saraceno, Nahum and the KOMSICA Institute, LOOP Festival Barcelona, 71 Bodies Company, Jingyi Wang, BIT Teatergarasjen, Sarah Vanhee, the Millerntor Gallery and soon Antje Velsinger.
As of 2023 they are a member of the IETM Producers Network, were a fellow of the CIFAS Producers Academy (2023), and the ‘intersectional producing’ seminar by the network #strongertogether and are currently a fellow of the Producer Academy 2024 of the Produktionshäuser.